Wednesday, 3 December 2014

3. Mango and Lime Chutney

Jain Goddess Ambika under a mango tree. Ellora Caves, India

     Fresh Mangoes and Limes are in plentiful supply right now at my Barrow Boys, my local greengrocers  in Ryde.  Together they make a delicious sweet & sour chutney, which is brilliant with hot or cold ham, chicken or turkey, and Indian curries.    

     The Mango is the national fruit of India, Pakistan  and the Philippines and has been cultivated in Asia since time immemorial, where fruit and leaves are ritually used.  Both the ripe and unripe fruit have popular use in Asian cooking for chutneys, pickles, curries and juice.  Mangoes have been named the most widely consumed fruit in the world. 
Some of the possible health benefits of consuming mango include a decreased risk of macular degeneration, a decreased risk of colon cancer, improvement in digestion and bone health and even benefits for the skin and hair. It is a good source of beta carotene which is considered to play a protective role against proste cancer. 
     The  Lime is an essential ingredient of any cuisine from India, and many varieties of pickles and chutneys are made with it. In India the fruit is used in Tantra ritual for removing evil spirits, and as a charm against evil eye and sickness. The fruit's high concentration of vitamin C brought it popularity with the British Royal Navy during the age of sail when lime juice was dispensed to inhibit the onset of scurvy. 


4  Ripe Mangoes;  500g Light Muscuvado brown Sugar;  250ml Cider Vinegar;  2 White Onions chopped fine;  200g Sultanas;  4 Limes, juice and zest;  1 Red Pepper, deseeded and chopped fine.
2tbs  Mustard seeds.

Method.    Prep: 20 mins. Cook: 1 hr. Makes approx.two 500g jars.                                                                              Combine sugar and vinegar in a heavy based saucepan and bring to boil.  Add mango flesh scooped from the fruit, the juice and zest of the limes,  together with the rest of ingredients.  Reduce heat and simmer until thickened, (approx. 45 minutes).  Spoon the hot chutney into hot sterilised jars, seal and label.  Store unopened in a cool dark place for two weeks or longer. Chill after opening.

                                                                                                                        Stuart Buchanan

Further Reading

Medical News Today  The Health Benefits of Mangoes
Medical Daily 5 Medicinal uses of Lime.

Food for Thought:  The kitchen is the great laboratory of the household, and much of the 'weal and woe' as far as regards bodily health, depends on the nature of the preparations concocted within its walls.

Mrs Isabella Beeton
The Book of Household Management 1861

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